
Putting our money where our mouth is with Plausible Analytics


Many online businesses (especially online-only ones) rely on cookies and user tracking to profile who is and isn’t visiting their site, conversions from other sources and returns on marketing spend.  This information is typically evaluated, and marketing efforts are pivoted based what patterns the data provides.  Privacy Rightfully is committed to the privacy of its users and given one of our core mantras is making private browsing of the internet easy to achieve we’ve made a change to service this goal.  We are pleased to announce we have removed Google Analytics and replaced it with Plausible Analytics.  We believe, as do the good folks at Plausible Analytics, that website usage can be tracked without collecting personal data or personally identifiable information.  Plausible allows for the following privacy advantages to our users: Site measurement is done anonymouslyCookies and persistent identifiers are not usedPersonal data is not collectedData is in aggregate form only...

The risks posed by Interactive Insurance Policies



There is an emerging trend of insurance companies leveraging IoT devices or their own surveillance-based devices to harvest more data from our daily lives with the promise of a cost saving (amongst other rewards).  This is the typical ‘data for dollars’ business model trending at the moment whereby a product or service is free or discounted in exchange for user data.  Let’s have a look at some of the risks this can pose.

The Five Eyes watching


Since the Snowden revelations the scale of surveillance on ordinary citizens by the intelligence agencies of democratic western governments has been in the news and regularly debated. The Five Eyes alliance is arguably the biggest holder of the data gathered by the various surveillance programs and thus it’s worth knowing how the alliance is spying on you.

Malware 101


This article is an introduction to the various types of threats that can find their way on to your device and cause you all sorts of grief.

Encryption 101


It’s time for another instalment of our 101 series where we explain concepts and tools related to privacy and security in an introductory format and in plain English, avoiding all the technical jargon. Today we look at encryption!

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