Library Rooms


As our website grows so too will our library of varying types of resources, each piece is categorised based on its format, structure, and goals. Like a typical library we have different ‘rooms’ for you to visit depending on the category of most interest to you. We currently write for:

Reading Room: A space for essay style articles digging deeper into privacy and security related concerns and offer some guidance or solutions to minimise your risk or exposure.  We aim to draw upon real world examples, academic research, statistics, and psychology as much as is relevant to the topic at hand. This room also includes our ‘101 series’ content where we explain various privacy and security related concepts using as much plain English as possible.

Class Room: Our Class Room is where we post our Checklists and How To Guides for you to use to enact what you’ve read about in other rooms or which you’ve recently learnt the importance checking for.

Reviews Room: This is where you will find our reviews and recommendations on prominent hardware, software, products, or services in the privacy or security industry. In the interest of objectivity we will very clearly state any affiliate relationships with those being reviewed or their direct competitors.

News Room: A bit of a news blast based on new information as it comes to hand regarding things like data hacks, alerts, their potential impacts etc.

General Announcements: Updates from us at Privacy Rightfully.

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