
The risks posed by Interactive Insurance Policies



There is an emerging trend of insurance companies leveraging IoT devices or their own surveillance-based devices to harvest more data from our daily lives with the promise of a cost saving (amongst other rewards).  This is the typical ‘data for dollars’ business model trending at the moment whereby a product or service is free or discounted in exchange for user data.  Let’s have a look at some of the risks this can pose.

Crisis Surveillance


The fight to contain COVID-19 has introduced new powers of surveillance to governments around the world in a bid to contact trace. Whilst the public is mostly accepting this moral obligation, what are the lasting impacts for privacy after COVID-19 is behind us?

Challenging the way you imagine Data & Privacy


In this piece we consider the traditional way most people view data and privacy and hope to challenge it by aligning those concepts to simple items most people would have on their desk! It’s the first step in a journey to break down the technologically rooted definitions or dull images we form in our minds when our learning of such concepts comes from traditional research.

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